Op deze pagina vindt u een overzicht van onze overtollige elektronische componenten welke wij op voorraad hebben liggen. Via de zoekfunctie kunt u zoeken op omschrijving of fabricaat nummer.
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Artikelcode | Omschrijving | Manufacturer | Manufacturercode | Extra info | Voorraad |
41-28987 | WP154A4SUREQBFZGW tricolor 5mm LED KNB | Kingbright | WP154A4SUREQBFZGW | 604-WP154A4SUREQBFZW | 5 |
41-28994 | LM78L05AIMX volt. regulator smd TI | Texas Instruments | LM78L05AIMX | LM78L05AIMX | 60 |
41-29001 | KSZ8895MQI 5-Port Eth. switch smd MIC | Micrel | KSZ8895MQI | KSZ8895MQI | 17 |
41-29023 | TPS60400DBVT smd converter TI | Texas Instruments | TPS60400DBVT | TPS60400DBVT | 103 |
41-29024 | LM219D dual comparator smd ST | ST Microelectronics | LM219D | LM219D | 109 |
41-29025 | LMC6462AIM Dual OPAMP smd NSC | National Semiconductor | LMC6462AIM/NOPB | LMC6462AIM | 7 |
41-29026 | LP2950CDT-5.0 volt. regulator smd NSC | National Semiconductor | LP2950CDT-5.0 | LP2950CDT-5.0 | 10 |
41-29027 | 487E res 1% 0.125W SMD0805 YAG | Yageo | RC0805FR-07487R | 311-487CRCT-ND | 375 |
41-29028 | 4K64 res 1% 0.125W SMD0805 YAG | Yageo | RC0805FR-074K64L | 311-4.64KCRCT-ND | 420 |
41-29029 | 23K7 res 1% 0.125W SMD0805 YAG | Yageo | RC0805FR-0723K7L | 311-23.7KCRCT-ND | 439 |
41-29030 | 23K7 res 0.1% 0.125W SMD0805 PAN | Panasonic | ERA6AEB2372V | 1810638RL | 8 |
41-29031 | 511K res 1% 0.125W SMD0805 YAG | Yageo | RC0805FR-07511KL | 311-511KCRCT-ND | 48 |
41-29032 | 4K87 res 1% 0.125W SMD0805 YAG | Yageo | RC0805FR-074K87L | 311-4.87KCRCT-ND | 50 |
41-29033 | 3K16 res 1% 0.125W SMD0805 YAG | Yageo | RC0805FR-073K16L | 311-3.16KCRCT-ND | 215 |
41-29034 | 383K res 1% 0.125W SMD0805 YAG | Yageo | RC0805FR-07383KL | 311-383KCRCT-ND | 180 |
41-29036 | 127E res 0.1% 0.1W SMD0805 YAG | Multicomp | MC 0.1W 0805 0.1% 127E | 1575596RL | 7 |
41-29037 | 909K res 0.1% 0.1W SMD0805 YAG | Multicomp | MC 0.1W 0805 0.1% 909K | 41-29037 | 4 |
41-29038 | 536K res 0.1% 0.1W SMD0805 YAG | Multicomp | MC 0.1W 0805 0.1% 536K | 1576096RL | 11 |
41-29039 | 220K res 0.1% 0.1W SMD0805 YAG | Panasonic | ERA6AEB224V | 1577690RL | 57 |
41-29040 | 2K32 res 0.1% 0.1W SMD0805 YAG | Multicomp | MC 0.1W 0805 0.1% 2K32 | 1575833RL | 36 |
41-29054 | LMV324IPWR smd g.p. opamp TI | Texas Instruments | LMV324IPWR | LMV324IPWR | 14.699 |
41-29058 | CHIPCAP-R humidity sensor SMD GES | GE sensing | CHIPCAP-R | CHIPCAP-R | 6 |
41-29059 | UA7824CKCS regulator 24V to-220 TI | Texas Instruments | UA7824CKCS | UA7824CKCSE3 | 48 |
41-29062 | IRL540NPBF n-chan mosfet IR | International Rectifier | IRL540NPBF | IRL540NPBF | 143 |
41-29066 | 2x20p SFM-120-02-S-DH-TR smd SMT | Samtec | SFM-120-02-S-DH-TR | SFM-120-02-S-DH-TR | 82 |
41-29068 | 17p FFSD-17-D-59-01-N cable assy SMT | Samtec | FFSD-17-D-59-01-N | FFSD-17-D-59-01-N | 25 |
41-29072 | APIC Standing console plinth RIT | Rittal | So 2865.000 | So 2865.000 | 2 |
41-29084 | Protection cap receptacle shell JAG | Jaeger | 536 910 006 | 536 910 006 | 3 |
41-29086 | 37p connector DSUB IDC CRIMP 3M | 3M | 8237-6009 | 2064855 | 1 |
41-29087 | 37p Strain relief for DSUB 3M | 3M | 3448 - 8D37A | 972848 | 4 |
41-29088 | 50p ribbon cable twist/flat APH | Amphenol | 169-2832-050 | 1440137 | 1 |
41-29089 | 9p male sub-D conn. str. solder cup HRT | Harting | 09 67 009 5604 | 1096848 | 10 |
41-29100 | 3p miniature round conn. BIN | Binder | 09 01080 00 03 | 09 01080 00 03 | 6 |
41-29116 | ICnova SAM9G45 Ext. temp. SODIMM ICB | IC Nova | 901.227B001 | 901.227B001 | 18 |
41-29117 | 100nF cer cap SMD1206 X7R 200V AVX | AVX | 12062C104KAT2A | 12062C104KAT2A | 2.110 |
41-29120 | RJ11-RJ11 wire length 5m TD5505 INR | Intronics | TD5505 | TD5505 | 1 |
41-29132 | Pushbutton switch 704.074.2 EAO | EAO | 704.074.2 | 704.074.2 | 1 |
41-29144 | MCC-USB-4-250 Signal Bulk USB Cable PCC | Pacific Custom Cable | MCC-USB-4-250 | MCC-USB-4-250 | 27 |
41-29145 | HS120 cable crimp 15-5.2 ProPower | Pro-power | HS120 | KJ90127 | 2 |
41-29146 | YE01962+00B100 - CABLE, CAT5 FTP, 100M PPW | Pro-Power | YE01962+00B100 | 1877515 | 88 |
41-29147 | screw M2.5x10mm Taptite JEV | Jeveka | TT79851Z 25 10 | TT79851Z 25 10 | 900 |
41-29150 | varistor S10K420 EPC | Epcos | S10K420 | 495-3791-ND | 1 |
41-29151 | QSS-8 Push-in bulkhead connector FES | Festo | 153159 | 153159 | 9 |
41-29152 | QSS-10 Push-in bulkhead connector FES | Festo | 153160 | 153160 | 7 |
41-29153 | blue air hose PUN-8x1-BL FES | Festo | 159666 | 159666 | 49 |
41-29156 | QS-1/4-8 male connector 153005 FES | Festo BV | 153005 | 153005 | 9 |
41-29157 | QS-1/4-10 male connector 153007 FES | Festo BV | 153007 | 153007 | 9 |
41-29175 | 6p miniature round conn. fem serie 423 BIN | Binder | 09 0124 00 06 | 09 0124 00 06 | 2 |
41-29184 | QST-6 T-shape Push-in bulkh. con FES | Festo | 153129 | 153129 | 17 |
41-29187 | 281-334 End Plate WAG | Wago | 281-334 | 3190079 | 7 |